Thursday, October 18, 2007

Verse Of The Day - Be of Good Courage

Psalm 27:14

Wait on the LORD;
         Be of good courage,
         And He shall strengthen your heart;
         Wait, I say, on the LORD!


This is such a great Psalm - I just love the Psalms!!!

Psalm 27 - verse be verse:

  1. We have nothing to fear - because God is our light, salvation & strength
  2. Our enemies are unsuccessful - they stumble and fall - because of God
  3. We have confidence - not fear
  4. Here is a key - we must desire to seek God daily!!!
  5. He will hide us and set us on high - HIS protection
  6. We will be lifted above our enemies - safety...  sing praises to GOD!!!
  7. He has mercy on us and will answer our prayers.
  8. Say "yes" to seeking after God
  9. He is there - He will never leave nor forsake us
  10. HE will take care of us
  11. He will teach us HIS way - and lead us
  12. He will protect us
  13. God is good, HE is a living GOD

After all of this protection, love, goodness from the LORD we come to verse 14:

  • We need to wait on the LORD - we need to rest in HIM, knowing that HE WILL take care of us
  • We need to be of good courage - we are waiting on HIM, trusting that HE WILL take care of us
  • We need to draw our strength from the LORD - HE WILL strengthen our heart - HE IS the source of our courage
  • We need to wait on the LORD...

Where do you draw your strength from???  Job - money??? Friends / Family??? 

Or from GOD - the only ONE who CAN give you true strength???

Are you courageous???  Are you waiting on GOD - the one who is there for you???

Are you waiting on the LORD???  We have nothing to fear with God on our side!!!

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